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Promoting the interests of public service media
We campaign for a sustainable future for public service media (PSM), provide our Members with world-class content from news to sport and music, and build on our founding ethos of solidarity and co-operation to create a centre for learning and sharing.
Our Members
68 Members representing
113 organizations in 56 countries, and 31 Associates
Our Members operate almost 2,000 television, radio and online channels and services and offer a wealth of content across other platforms. Together, they reach audiences of more than one billion people around the world, broadcasting in more than 160 languages.
Public service media
Public service media is broadcasting made, financed and controlled BY the public FOR the public. Our Members strive to inform, educate and entertain all audiences – empowering societies and democracies across the globe.
Join us and access our services
If you work for a public service broadcaster in Europe, chances are your organization is a Member of the EBU. To make the most of our services, create a free account on our website. Registration is open to everyone, but if you are from a Member organization, you have access to an exclusive range of services and information.