Home Events Access Services Experts meeting 2022
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Access Services Experts meeting 2022

Access Services experts gather once a year to raise the most important questions during a plenary session which has become, over the years, the meeting point for those working in accessibility services across EBU organizations.  

This event is a great opportunity to meet with other colleagues working in accessibility and share projects, exchange best practices and learn from each other’s innovations and approaches.
Participants will get the chance to cross-pollinate ideas and exchange, not only with their peers but also with people from the rest of the industry and European associations.

The 2022 Access Services plenary meeting was held in Oslo, Norway, on Friday 17 June 2022, at the kind invitation of NRK.

On Thursday, 16 June, all delegates were invited to attend a pre-event, including a presentation of NRK Access Services, a guided tour and a cocktail.


 Opening Remarks - Vibeke Haugen

 BBC - Subtitles Challenge and Audio Description - Nigel Megitt

 EGTA - Accessible TV Advertising - Katty Roberfroid abd Warren O'Donnell

 RBB - Guidelines for delivering Accessibility services using HbbTV - Klaus Merkel

 RTS - Play Suisse Accessibility - Benoît Rebetez

 ZDF - Access Services the Digital Switch - Nicola Foltys

 DR - Navigating the Digital: Media use among the blind and visually impaired - Karen Lerbech Pedersen

 WDR - Automated Live Subtitling - Klaus Merkel

 RTVE/Vicomtech - Evaluating the Quality and Productivity of Automatic Subtitles Generated Using Ai - Francisco Armero and Arantza del Pozo

 SVT - Automatic subtitling for SVT Local News online - Hakan Grimfeld

 DW - Plain X - Kay Macquarrie

 NRK/NORSE - Innovation on Visual Accessibility - Siri Antonsen and Njal Borch

 DR - NERD Model - Peter Rosa and Claes Holmberg

 STXT - NERstar - Robbin Ribback


Gion Linder

Head of Access Services, Swiss Txt AG (Switzerland)

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Frauke Langguth

Head of ARD Text, ARD (Germany)

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Siri Antonsen

Strategic Head of Accessibility, NRK

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Amélie Rossignol

Senior Project Manager, EBU Media

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Katty Robertfroid

Director-General, egta

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Warren O'Donnell

TV Research and Project Manager, egta

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Nigel Megitt

Executive Product Manager, BBC (United Kingdom)

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Klaus Merkel

Senior Engineer Distribution, RBB (Germany)

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Benoît Rebetez

Program and Project Manager, Swiss TXT

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Nicola Foltys

Head of Access Services, ZDF (Germany)

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Karen Lerbech

Diversity and Accessibility Project Manager, DR (Denmark)

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Francisco Armero

Technical Director of Broadcasting and Head of Access Services, RTVE (Spain)

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Arantza del Pozo

Director of Speech and Natural Language Technologies, Vicomtech

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Håkan Grimfeldt

Head of Live Subtitling, SVT (Sweden)

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Kay Macquarrie

Innovation Manager, DW (Germany)

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Jonathan Penny

Audio Description Production Manager, ITV (United Kingdom)

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Njål Borch

Senior Researcher, NORCE Northern Research Institute

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Peter Rosa

Subtitling Development Manager, DR (Denmark)

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Claes Holmberg

Live Subtitling, DR (Denmark)

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Robin Ribback

SRG-SSR (Switzerland)

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