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AI and Data Protection Meeting

The EBU Data Protection Officers Group (DPO Group) brings together Data Protection Officers, Senior Privacy Legal officers and experts in data protection issues from across the EBU Membership. It aims to assist Members in their GDPR compliance process and provides a forum to update them on the latest developments in Europe and beyond, as well as an opportunity for sharing experiences and best practices and for networking.

Read the EBU's position papers on Data & Privacy and an overview of the EBU's Legal and Policy services 


Only EBU Members can attend this event, If you are an EBU Member and you would like to attend this event or for any other questions relating to this event, please contact Mélanie Alexandre


  • Data Protection Group_ 15 June 2023_Notes of the meeting Members Only
  • Presentation - Item 1 - The Future of EU AI Act - Yorkanda Ivanova (Legal & Policy Officer, European Commission DG CNECT, AI Policy Development & Coordination Unit)Members Only
  • Presentation - Item 2 - Liability for Artificial Intelligence - Christiane Wendehorst (Professor, University of Vienna & Scientific Director, European Law Institute of Vienna)Members Only
  • Presentation - Item 3 - EBU Initiatives on AI - Tour de Table - Layla Gaye (Project Coodinator, EBU T&I Department)Members Only
  • Presentation - Item 4 - Data Protection Authorties' Guidance on AI - Alexis Leautier (Expert Engineer, Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés - CNIL)Members Only
  • Presentation - Item 5 - Understanding the technical functionning of AI, including Generative AI - Matthieu Parmentier (Head of AI Factory, France Télévisions)Members Only
  • Presentation - Item 6 - Building up AI Governance and Data Ethics - Ali Shah (Global Principal Director, Responsible AI, Accenture Applied Intelligence)Members Only
  • Presentation - Item 7a - Internal policies, ethical guidelines for staff on use of AI - James Fletcher (BBC Lead, Responsible Data & AI, BBC)Members Only
  • Presentation - Item 7b - Internal policies, ethical guidelines for staff on use of AI - Joost Negenman (Privacy & Data Ethics Officer, NPO)Members Only
  • ChatGPT and Data Protection (Annex 2 of the Legal & Policy Assembly working document) Members Only
  • Presentation on Data Protection and Internal Policies of the 25th Legal and Policy Assembly - May 2023 - Anne-Catherine Berg (Data Protection Officer, Senior Legal Counsel, EBU Legal and Policy Department)Members Only
  • Proposal for a Regulation laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence icluding annexes - European CommissionMembers Only
  • Proposal for a AI liability Directive - European CommissionMembers Only
  • Proposal for a revised Product Liability Directive - European CommissionMembers Only
  • Ethical guidelines for a trustworthy AI - European CommissionMembers Only
  • The CNIL’s Action Plan on Artificial Intelligence- 16 May 2023 - CNILMembers Only
  • EDPB-EDPS Joint Opinion 5/2021 on the proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence Act) 18 June 2021 Members Only
  • EDPB letter on AI liability – February 2022 Members Only
  • Guidelines for staff on the use of online available generative artificial intelligence tools - European CommissionMembers Only
  • European Parliament position on the AI Act - European ParliamentMembers Only