Home Events Public Service Media Funding and Governance Group Meeting
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Public Service Media Funding and Governance Group Meeting

The PSM Funding and Governance Group considers legal, policy and strategic issues relevant to publicly funded broadcasters. It meets on an ad hoc basis, as required, and is open to legal, public affairs and other interested experts from EBU active Members in receipt of public funding (or a mixture of public and commercial funding).

Agenda & Working documents


This meeting will take place at EBU Headquarters in Grand Saconnex. If you are a member of the EBU PSM Funding & Governance Group and need to be provided with more details about this meeting, please contact Mélanie Alexandre


If you are a Member of the member of the EBU PSM Funding & Governance Group and need to be provided with the connection details, please contact Mélanie Alexandre


  • PSM Funding: EBU positioning - Alexandre Fall (Senior Legal Counsel, EBU Legal & Policy Department)Restricted
  • PSM Funding (ORF) - Josef Lusser (ORF, Austria)Restricted
  • PSM Governance: Bridging the gap between standards and practice - Josef Lusser (ORF, Austria)Restricted
  • PSM Governance and sustainability - Sophia Wistehube (Legal Counsel, EBU Legal & Policy Dept.)Restricted
  • PSM Governance and sustainability (RAI) - Micol Rigo (RAI per la Sostenibilità ESG, Italy)Restricted
  • Defending PSM against State Aid Complaints * Experiences from Yle Finland - Janne Holopainen (YLE, Finland)Restricted
  • Alternative sources of financing: News bargaining & PSM - Alexandre Fall & Michele Evangelista (Senior Legal Counsels, EBU Legal & Policy Dept.)Members Only