
We know music is central to your radio programming so you have easy access to first-class music and events through our Music Exchange.

MUS platform

Members can see the following reports when logged in:

2024 EBU Media Orchestras and Sustainability Survey

2023 Music Unit Annual Report

2023 Music Exchange Statistics

EBU Media Ensemble Survey 2023 - complete report

EBU Advocacy & Marketing - complete report

EBU Our Digital Future - complete report

2023 Production Resources in Classical Music Recordings

2022 Music Unit Annual Report

2022 Music Exchange Statistics

2022-2023 Music Unit Workplan

2022 Audience Calculator Classical Radio

2022 Audience Calculator Pop Rock Radio

2021 Music Unit Annual Report

2021 Music Exchange Statistics

With around 3,000 concerts by both leading and emerging artists shared every year, this is the world’s largest offer of live music. Covering all genres from classical and opera to folk, jazz, world, rock, pop and dance, we provide access to prestigious concerts and performances from venues across the globe to enrich the diversity and quality of your music offer.

Members request around 20,000 programmes from the Music Exchange every year, making it a cost-effective way of sharing the world’s best music with your audiences. Performances range from the BBC Proms and the New York Metropolitan Opera to Coldplay and Radiohead. We also organize several major music events and festivals every year, in conjunction with our Members, including Eurosonic and the Euroradio Folk Festival.


The Euroradio Music Exchange is a proud partner of Keychange, an international gender equality campaign which invests in emerging talent whilst encouraging music organisations to sign up to a gender balance pledge.



11 MARCH 2024
3 questions to conductor and harpsichordist Trevor Pinnock

3 questions to conductor and harpsichordist Trevor Pinnock

British harpsichordist and conductor Trevor Pinnock has been pioneering the modern revival of early music...

12 DECEMBER 2023
3 questions to conductor Krista Audere

3 questions to conductor Krista Audere

Conductor Krista Audere answered our 3 questions a few days before the concert she performed with the...

10 JULY 2023
3 questions to composer Betsy Jolas

3 questions to composer Betsy Jolas

French-American composer Betsy Jolas (born 1926) was commissioned to write a new work – “Ces belles années”...

Special Programmes and Offers

Palma Ars Acustica

Palma Ars Acustica

The Prix Palma Ars Acustica is an international competition organized by Euroradio Ars Acustica to promote and honour outstanding productions of authors in the world of Ars Acustica: radio art, sound art, media art, text sound compositions, electroacoustic music, electronics, live electronica, etc.

Euroradio Folk Festival

Euroradio Folk Festival

Promoting the cultural diversity of Europe through music exchanges. Kanteles, fiddles, accordions, balalaikas, throat singing, yodelling: these and many more can be heard at the annual Euroradio Folk Festival (EFF), where bands and artists redefine the frontiers of folk music through their ethno, jazz, traditional and crossover projects. More than a mere festival, this event is a platform presenting the incredible diversity of musical genres and sounds of all lifestyles in European folk music.

Euroradio Summer Festivals

Euroradio Summer Festivals

For a quarter of a century, the Euroradio Summer Festivals have remained true to their goal of providing radio audiences with a selection of the best classical music, much of it live via satellite – symphony concerts, operas, chamber music and vocal recitals – from European festivals, both prestigious and lesser-known.

Music and Radio 60-Minute Sessions

Watch our series of online sessions aimed at the EBU Music community. We discuss radio and music challenges related to live-recorded music and radio production.

Watch again

Groups and Meetings

We have expert groups, communities and specialized meetings on subjects ranging across the musical genres. Find the right one for you:


Upcoming meetings
