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EBU welcomes European Parliament’s vote on review of audiovisual media rules

25 April 2017
EBU welcomes European Parliament’s vote on review of audiovisual media rules

The European Parliament’s Committee for Culture and Education has proposed several improvements to draft EU rules for audiovisual media services and video sharing platforms.

The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) considers that the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) has supported an open, diverse and vibrant audiovisual media sector in Europe, introducing key rules for the audiovisual single market such as the country-of-origin principle and basic principles to protect minors. Today’s vote by the Culture and Education Committee is an important milestone for the latest review of the AVMSD by the EU.

EBU Head of European Affairs Nicola Frank said: “The European Parliament’s compromises strengthen EU Member States’ freedom to give appropriate prominence to audiovisual media services of general interest and better protect the integrity of content. At a time when citizens’ trust in media is eroding, these proposals can counter this trend.”

She added: “The EBU also welcomes an adapted definition of video-sharing platforms, which is better adapted to future developments, and the application of qualitative advertising and sponsoring rules for these platforms. We would however have preferred to see the hourly limit for advertising on linear services being maintained. Moving away from this rule could have negative consequences for the value of TV advertising and and subsequent investment in original European content.”

Since 1989, EU audiovisual rules have been reviewed on several occasions to integrate new viewing habits and new services. This latest review, launched in May last year by the European Commission, notably addresses the emergence of new online platforms with basic rules to better protect minors and combat hate speech. 

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