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European Media Freedom Act: EBU's position for trilogue negotiations

19 October 2023
European Media Freedom Act: EBU's position for trilogue negotiations

As the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) enters its final phase of negotiations, the EBU outlines the best outcome to secure independent public service media. Our aim is to secure a pluralistic and thriving media sector both online and offline. Specifically, the final EMFA agreement must secure:

  • greater protection of journalists and their sources (Article 4)
  • independence through safeguards that will shield public service media from government interference, whether via their editorial line, their management boards, or their funding (Article 5)
  • a clear procedure that will generate a productive dialogue between large online platforms and regulated media providers concerning tampering with content (Article 17)
  • the clear attribution of editorial responsibility for media content when presented to audiences through device manufacturers and user interfaces (Article 19)
  • that large platforms must share audience measurement data with the media outlets (Article 23)

Public service media is facing new threats every day, to their journalists, to their content online, to their funding and to their independence. The EMFA is the opportunity to draw a line in the sand to protect their mandate to inform, educate and entertain every citizen with the highest quality content. Read our policy position to the left to discover more.

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