VIDEO TALKS published on 06 Jun 2023

Pitching forums from the breakout sessions

During both days of the Music Plenary, participants took part in breakout sessions entitled Imagine this…! A concrete digital public service solution for classical music.

The goal was for each group to create a 5-minute pitch presentation around a brand new bundle of digital products for the recently appointed EBU Digital Jury composed of experienced commissioners. 

Their task during the breakout sessions:

"The senior management of your organization has asked your group to present the ideal digital audio solution for its classical music offer, inspired by the research presentation “Study results taster toolkit” that you have just heard at the Plenary by Holger Hettinger (5 June, 14.00)."

In this exercise participants were encouraged to explore the ideal situation. For the purposes of this task, they needn't worry about problems with rights, collecting societies, or any other rights-related restrictions. The objective was to maximize the potential of a classical music public service offer within a reasonable budget - no limit to the budget as long as the impact was strong and achieved an increase in digital users. 

The main objective of each group was to decide on:
- Their target audience segment(s)
- The appropriate product and platform for this audience
- What type of impact they want to achieve
- How the product will be marketed
Once decided on these elements, they were asked to argue why this was the best solution in order to convince the management of their organization.


The new EBU Digital Jury:
Niklas Rudolph (WDR), Chair
Theresa Beyer (SRF)
Edward Blakeman (BBC) 
Andrea Zschunke (WDR)

Representatives from each breakout group:
Group 1 - Doris Blaich (SWR) and Rolf Lennart Stensø (NRK)
Group 4 - Rasa Murauskaitė-Juškienė (LRT) and Benoît Perrier (RTS Switzerland) 
Group 3 - Ellie Ajao (BBC), Julijus Grickevičius (LRT) and Julia Schwarz (SWR)
Group 5 - Luc Boentges (MSP) and Uffe Borgwardt (DR)
Group 2 - Valentina Bensi (RSI) and Jakob Marstrand (DR)

Events: Music Plenary