VIDEO TALKS published on 19 Dec 2023

The Future of the TV News Bulletin

“Legacy” productions and aging audiences, but predictions of the imminent demise of the news bulletin are overstated. It remains high profile, with loyal viewers and the focus for key stakeholders and decision-makers. So how is it adapting to the demands of current and future audiences? The News Committee commissioned an inspirational report featuring 10 EBU Member case studies.

Presentation of key findings: Maike Olij – Author of the News Report (remote)


  • Ros Atkins – Analysis Editor, BBC
  • Esther Bootsma – Head Foreign Newsdesk, NOS
  • Maike Olij – Independent Journalism Consultant & Author of the News Report (remote)
  • Anvar Samost – Head of News and Sports, ERR
  • Krista Taubert – Head of World News and Current Affairs, YLE