The 49th International Feature Conference, IFC AudioDocs, will take place on 21-24 May 2023 in Reykjavik, Iceland, at the kind invitation of Ríkisútvarpið (RÚV).

The event will bring together documentary makers from across the globe to listen to the year's best, most innovative and powerful pieces.

The Icelanders love a good story. They have strong traditions around storytelling, reading and writing. They use stories and poetry to make sense of the landscape, the weather and the world that used to be so far away from their isolated island. Stories are where history, mythology and nature have always come together in Icelandic culture and that is still the case. It is therefore very fitting to celebrate audio storytelling in all its variety and glory in Iceland. 

At IFC AudioDocs 2023, we will explore the future of the audio doc and discover new ways in which the art of audio will delight the audiences of the future.

All details regarding registration, access, accommodation, etc. can be found here.

IFC 2023 Programme


  • Bíóparadís, Hverfisgötu 54, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland
  • Hellisheiði Geothermal Power Plant, Hengill, Iceland

IFC Website


Iceland - RUV.jpg



  • BBC - Digital release strategy - Emma Conneely (BBC)Members Only