Home Events Content Regulation Group: Prominence workshop
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Content Regulation Group: Prominence workshop

This workshop aims to bring together staff members of EBU Members from different professional backgrounds (Legal & Policy, Digital/Media, Technology & Innovation) to discuss the critical issue of Public Service Media visibility in an increasingly connected and intermediated media ecosystem, and more particularly the prominence of general interest media services (which Member States are free to regulated as stipulated in Article 7a of the EU's Audiovisual Media Services Directive). The workshop will examine the current state of play from the perspective of the different disciplines. Concrete case studies will illustrate the challenges faced and the successes achieved. Furthermore, the workshop will foster a forward-looking discussion among EBU Members intended to design a robust strategy to improve the visibility / prominence of Public Service Media.




EBU's video on prominence


  • Envisioning the Future - How can PSM be more prominent - Jenny Weinand, Thomas Bergmann - EBU, Legal and PolicyMembers Only
  • Prominence in Denmark - Casper Hald - DRMembers Only
  • Prominence in Austria - Karl Petermichl - ORFMembers Only
  • Prominence in Sweden - Mats Lindgren, Johan Wahlberg / Alan Morrison - SVTMembers Only
  • Prominence regulation in the UK - Benjamin Rosenberg, Dodhia Khushali - BBCMembers Only
  • Prominence regulation in Germany - Hannah Schauf - WDRMembers Only
  • Prominence in France - Bertrand Scirpo - FTVMembers Only