VIDEO TALKS publié le 01 déc. 2023

Democracy, public service media values and ethics in the era of AI

This session focuses on the vital role of public service media (PSM) in upholding democratic values and ethics in the face of exponential advancements in AI technology in the increasingly polarized world. Our panelists explore the unique opportunity for PSM to position itself as a safeguard against the potential negative impacts of AI and the importance of delivering trusted news and media literacy to our audiences to make informed decisions. How can media organizations maintain ethical standards while embracing this new technology? 


Dr. Jean-Marc Rickli, Head of Global and Emerging Risks, Geneva Centre for Security Policy
Justyna Kurczabinska, Head of News Strategy and Transformation, EBU (Moderator)
Monika Garbačiauskaitė-Budrienė, Director General, LRT 
Olle Zachrison, Head of AI and News Strategy, SR 
Kati Bremme, Head of Innovation, FTV  
Alexandre Brito, Journalist and Anchor, RTP

Événement: Sommet sur l'IA