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Radio Committee

The Radio Committee is dedicated to advancing and representing the interests of radio within the EBU membership, which includes organizations that are focused only on radio and those offering both radio and television services. The Radio Committee is also supporting the representation of the EBU Radio membership at the wider European level, advocating for the prominence, trust, and value of public service radio broadcasters and radio in general. The Radio Committee formulates strategic priorities for the radio sector, overseeing working groups that provide spaces for Members to exchange on key topics such as distribution, content, reach, and format innovation.

The Radio Committee’s current mandate focuses on key priorities such as advocating for radio at the EU level, shaping distribution strategies for connected environments and driving innovation in radio and audio.

Answering to the Radio Assembly, the EBU Executive Board and to the EBU General Assembly, the Radio Committee also recommends objectives for the EBU Radio Unit and oversees its activities. The Radio Committee promotes collaboration between Members and assesses radio-related applications to the EBU Media Innovation Fund.

The Radio Committee’s members [maximum 14, including the Chair and maximum three Vice-Chair(s)] are elected to serve a two-year term. The election for the 2023-2025 Radio Committee took place during the 29th Radio Assembly.

The elections for the 2025-2027 mandate of the EBU Radio Committee will be held during the 31st Radio Assembly, hosted by Radio France in Paris on 3-4 April 2025. More information on the election and voting procedure, and the call for candidates can be found in the documents below.

Application Form

Committee documents

  • Call for Candidates Information Members Only
  • Terms of Reference: Radio Assembly and Radio Committee Members Only
  • [FR] Mandat: Assemblée radio et Comité radio Members Only
  • Bye-laws relating to Elections and Voting Members Only
  • Sharing of Votes Members Only

Committee members

Sibyle Veil


CEO, Radio France (France)

Philippa De Roten


Director Society and Culture, SRG SSR (Switzerland)

Graham Ellis


Controller, BBC Audio, BBC (United Kingdom)

Mirko Štular


Director of Radio, RTVSLO (Slovenia )

Andrea Borgnino

Head of RaiPlaySound, RAI (Italy)

Eliana Čandrlić Glibota

Editor-In-Chief of Croatian Radio, HRT (Croatia)

Iryna Korniienko

Executive Producer, UA:PBC (Ukraine)

Maria Kozakou

Head of Radio 2, ERT (Greece)

Giedrius Masalskis

Head of Radio, LRT (Lithuania)

Milen Mitev

Director General, BNR (Bulgaria)

Michael Reichert

Coordinator of Digital Radio, ARD/BR (Germany)

Dan Santa

Director International Relations, Radio Romania (Romania)

Sofia Taavitsainen

Public Policy Advisor, SR (Sweden)

René Zavoral

Director General, CR (Czechia)

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