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News Assembly

The News Assembly is an opportunity for EBU Member staff to network with their fellow news directors, editors-in-chief and foreign editors. It is an annual meeting where influential experts exchange views about improving coverage, reducing costs and adapting to the ever-changing media market.


The News Assembly is an opportunity to network with news directors, editors-in-chief and foreign editors and exchange views about improving coverage, reducing costs and adapting to the ever-changing media market.

The News Assembly will start with a welcome cocktail on Tuesday 19 November, followed by meetings held on Wednesday 20 and Thursday 21 November.

More information to come!


A limited number of rooms have been set aside for News Assembly delegates at the venue hotel, the Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva :

Premium rooms with breakfast:
EUR 97 for single-use

Click here to book your room at the hotel Radisson Blu Lietuva before Sunday 20 October.

Free cancellation before 9 November. Any cancellation will be subject to a fee equal to 100% of the contracted rate multiplied by the number of canceled room nights.

Previous editions

You can find details and materials from previous editions below.


  • News Activity Report 2019 - Justyna Kurczabinska, Head of News Exchange & News Strategy, EBUMembers Only
  • Membership Fee Steering Group - Benoît Balon-Perin, Chair of the News Committee, RTBFMembers Only
  • EBU Governance - Justyna Kurczabinska, Head of News Exchange & News Strategy, EBU - Jean Philip de Tender, Media Director, EBU - Benoît Balon-Perin, Chair of the News Committee, RTBFMembers Only
  • Explanatory note to A.9 of the EVN rules 2017 - EBU News Unit, EBUMembers Only
  • Reaching Gender Balance in News Content – What’s Working? - Ros Atkins, News presenter, BBCMembers Only
  • Keynote Speaker - Nick Diakopoulos - Nick Diakopoulos, Northwestern University Professor of Computational JournalismMembers Only
  • News Report 2019 – “The Next Newsroom: Unlocking the Power of AI for Public Service Journalism.” - Maike Olij, Journalism Consultant and Media Innovator at ./bureaumaike & Atte Jääskeläinen, Professor of Practice at Lappeenranta University of TechnologyMembers Only
  • How Not to Report on Populism - Tim Pauwels, VRT Ombudsman and former journalist, VRTMembers Only
  • Faky, a fact-checking tool - Gregoire Ryckmans, RTBFMembers Only
  • Troll Factory - Jukka Niva, YLEMembers Only
  • Data Journalism - Teemo Tebest, EBUMembers Only
  • FAANGs, structure of discussions - Ezra Eeman, EBUMembers Only
  • Instagram, what you don't see. #Triggerwarning - Annemarte Moland, NRKMembers Only
  • Digital Hostile Environments - How NOS is tackling online harassment - Marcel Gelauff, NOSMembers Only
  • Most used Clips as of November 2019 - EBU News-ExchangeMembers Only
  • Sports 2019 Gwangju Tailor-made Interviews Members Only